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Chelsea Love Is Blind Megan Fox

Chelsea Blackwell Opens Up About Reaching Out to Megan Fox After Viral Comparison

"Love Is Blind" Star Addresses Public Comments

Chelsea Blackwell Responds to Look-Alike Claims

Chelsea Blackwell, a star of Netflix's reality show "Love Is Blind," has addressed comparisons to actress Megan Fox, which sparked viral reactions on social media.

In a recent interview, Blackwell admitted to reaching out to Fox following the public outcry. "I love and respect Megan Fox and admire her work," she said. "I thought it would be nice to get to know her." Blackwell shared that she sent Fox a direct message on social media but has yet to receive a response.

The comparison between Blackwell and Fox gained traction on the internet, with users commenting on their striking physical similarities. However, Blackwell expressed her discomfort with the comparisons, stating that it reduces her identity to her appearance.

"I'm more than just a look-alike," Blackwell said. "I have a unique personality, values, and goals. It's important to recognize people for their individuality and not just their resemblance to someone else."

Blackwell also discussed the challenges she faced while participating in "Love Is Blind." She believes that the show's rules, which prohibit physical contact before marriage, should be reconsidered.

"I think it would be beneficial if the participants had some physical interaction," Blackwell said. "It would allow them to form a more well-rounded connection and make a more informed decision about their future together."
